On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF) Program

Most of Fairview relies on private aerobic or septic systems known as On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF) for the treatment and disposal of wastewater. Over 90% of all OSSFs within the Town are Aerobic systems and all new OSSFs in Fairview are required to be Aerobic Treatment Units (ATU) by ordinance. Older, anaerobic (septic/conventional) systems currently installed are allowed to remain in use until they fail and need replacement. At that time, they must be replaced with ATUs.

 OSSFs in Texas are regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), through Chapter 366 Health and Safety Code, and Title 30, Chapter 285 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC). Fairview has a “Local Order” (ordinance) approved by the TCEQ, with several more stringent requirements than those in Chapter 285.

The Town of Fairview is an Authorized Agent of the TCEQ, required to enforce these rules by the employment of a Designated Representative (DR) certified by the state to administer the OSSF program and rules. The Town’s Code Enforcement Officer also serves as the DR for Fairview and is responsible for permitting and inspections as well as investigation of malfunctioning and/or failing systems. Systems must be maintained and operated according to adopted rules and state law, and a copy of a maintenance contract must be on file with the town at all times (for ATUs).



What is an On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF)?

An OSSF is a private wastewater treatment and disposal system wholly owned by the property owner. An OSSF must treat and dispose of all the wastewater generated by a given property. Wastewater is not allowed to leave the property. Some OSSF are similar in concept to large public sewage treatment facilities (aerobic treatment units) paired with an approved disposal system (usually a surface application disposal system) and others utilize the native soil to treat and dispose of the wastewater (conventional septic systems).

What is the Property Owners Obligation?

Everything -- an OSSF is a private on-site sewage facility wholly owned by the property owner. Property owners have the obligation to keep the OSSF in safe and sound working order. Information is available from the manufacturers of every system or at least the manufacturers of each system component. Extensive rules and regulations exist governing every facet of an OSSF. None of the rules or regulations do anything unless the property owner knows them and takes responsibility for their OSSF.

What about Maintenance Contracts?

Property owners with OSSF systems must continuously maintain a signed written contract with a valid maintenance company and submit a copy of the contract to the Town of Fairview at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the previous contract per TEXAS ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Title 30 Chapter 285 Rule 285.7.

Will the Town of Fairview Repair an OSSF?

No – The Town of Fairview makes no guarantee that an approved On-Site Sewage Facility will provide satisfactory service. It is the property owner’s responsibility to provide for the full and correct function of each and every OSSF on their property. The property owner shall keep people and pets away from the components of an OSSF including tanks, lids and all of the disposal areas. Additionally, the property owner is responsible for keeping the area around the tanks and the disposal areas free of any structures, parking areas, gravel, concrete, vegetable gardens, trees, or anything that may interfere with the evaporation and evapotranspiration of the wastewater.


New anaerobic systems shall not be permitted per Town ordinance. For questions or complaints on these issues, please contact Dylan Tawwater at dtawwater@fairviewtexas.org or (469) 659-3786.

View the Title 30 TAC Regulations: http://texreg.sos.state.tx.us/public/readtac$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=4&ti=30&pt=1&ch=285

Local amendments can be viewed in the Town’s Code of Ordinances in Chapter 13, Article 13.05.


Local Maintenance Providers



For a short informational video on how to properly maintain an Aerobic treatment unit – click here

For a short informational video on how to properly maintain an Anaerobic/conventional unit - click here

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