Frequently Asked Questions - All FAQs

Golf carts may be driven on certain public streets. All those wishing to operate their golf carts on public streets must comply with the Town of Fairview ordinance (2017-22) regulating the use of golf carts on public streets and must apply for a golf cart permit. To obtain an application fill out this form and send it to the Town Hall Golf Cart Permit Registration Application.

Note: The streets in Heritage Ranch are not public streets.


Yes. Recent changes in state law provided that municipalities may prohibit such scooters, but unless a specific local law is passed, scooters may be legally driven on roads with a speed limit of 35 mph or less. Motor scooters, ATVs, dirt bikes, and mopeds are governed by the same rules as regular motorcycles. Therefore, they may be ridden on the streets only if the operator has a valid Texas driver’s license with an “M” restriction that allows the operation of a motorcycle or moped, has liability insurance on the scooter/moped, and has a current motor vehicle registration and inspection sticker. Fairview has not passed a law prohibiting this use.

Yes. The town has long had restrictions that prohibited construction work before 7:00 a.m. and after 7:00 p.m., and all day on Sundays, and the town council recently extended that ban to include official town holidays. As a result, construction is now also prohibited on holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, etc. Violations can result in the issuance of a stop-work order and fines of up to $500 per day. If a citizen witnesses such activities, they should be reported to the town’s public works director at 972-562-0522, extension 5013.

The best opportunities are through a citizen board or commission. The town now has six such boards, made up exclusively of citizen volunteers. In addition to the Planning & Zoning Commission, the Parks Advisory Board, and the Board of Adjustment, the town council appoints the Technology Advisory Committee, the Historical Preservation Committee, and the Environmental Advisory Committee. Anyone interested in serving should contact the

Town Secretary's office.

The Collin County animal control provides animal control in Fairview. They can be reached at 972- 547-7292. After hours and on Sundays, you can leave a message for them, or if you have a valid emergency, you can contact the police.

Yes, the Fairview Police will work the school zone at Lovejoy Elementary periodically throughout the year and issue citations for driving violations.  Please watch for school children and observe all speed limits.

It is unlawful for any person to manufacture, assemble, store, receive, possess, keep, expose for sale, sell at retail, offer or have in his possession with intent to sell, use, discharge, cause to be discharged, ignite, detonate, fire or otherwise set in action any fireworks of any description; anywhere within the town limits of Fairview.

If you have cans with water-based or latex paint, open them and leave them exposed to the air until they are completely dried out. Then dispose of them with your garbage. If your paint is lead-based, do the same thing, but add kitty litter or sand to absorb all the oils before disposal. Wet paint is not allowed at Texas landfills because it can contaminate ground water.

Yes it does. If the physical address box does not say Fairview, then the sales taxes you collect and remit to the state are probably going to Allen or McKinney instead of Fairview. Please check for the accuracy of your permit and notify the Texas Comptroller promptly of any errors.

The Town of Fairview does not itself provide any social services. However, Allen Community Outreach (ACO) provides a variety of services for the residents of Fairview, Allen, and Lucas. Services include emergency assistance with rent and utilities, screening for food and clothes, job counseling and placement, meals-on-wheels delivery, a good morning call program, home repair programs, thanksgiving baskets, Christmas assistance, a childcare partnership program, and summer youth scholarships. ACO can be reached at 972-727-9131, or on the web at

Yes they are. However, such guns can be very dangerous, even lethal, and it is illegal to shoot them in an unsafe manner.

Usually, yes. However, we have had instances of both coyotes and bobcats in Fairview and they will sometimes attack and even kill smaller animals like cats, rabbits, and some dogs. Pet owners should exercise as much caution as possible.

Yes, we do. Dog owners must by law keep their animals in an enclosure, on a leash, in their arms, or otherwise maintain direct supervision and control of their pets. Animals found in violation of this law may be impounded. Dogs and cats must also be vaccinated for rabies and registered. Animal control in Fairview is contracted with Collin County Animal Control and they may be contacted at 972-547-7292.

The Collin County landfill is open for Collin County residents to dispose of their trash.  For a fee, residents will be able to drop off most refuse consisting of general debris, properly drained Freon appliances with Freon recovery certification, motor oil, oil filters, Tires (maximum of four tires per household per year), and boards, tree limbs, etc. (8 feet long max), furniture, appliances, and other larger house hold items will be accepted.  Chemicals, paints, batteries, anti-freeze and contractor debris will not be accepted.   NTMWD only accepts credit/ debit cards or customer must have an account. The transfer stations do not accept cash or checks. For account set up information, please contact the landfill. Located at 3820 Sam Rayburn Hwy (121), Melissa Texas. 75454. 

For rate information, visit the NTMWD website.  You can contact the landfill at 469-626-4452 for additional information. Please note: Before entering gate, all loads must be enclosed, covered or secured. Small contractors can take their commercial waste/scrap debris to the landfill for a fee. Call the landfill at 469-626-4452 for information regarding commercial waste.
A zero tolerance approach is being taken in Collin County. Laws regarding illegal dumping have been strengthened and now include both misdemeanor and felony offenses.

For a water emergency call 911. For a water leak call 972-886-4229

Anytime you are altering drainage in or around your property, tying into existing water or sewer lines, attaching driveways into city streets, altering the flood plain or clearing trees from your property.

No, first contact the town’s planning department in the case of new development.

Collected fees and taxes can only be spent on drainage problems located in public easements and rights-of-way.  Drainage funds cannot be spent to improve private property by law.

No, the traffic signals are either maintained by the city of Allen along Stacy Rd or by TxDOT along FM1378.

No, you must contact your service providers. Click here for a listing of common service providers in our area

No, Fairview keeps house plans initially during construction, but does not retain them as a repository.

Not unless you are subdividing at least 5 acres per lot.  It’s still a good idea to contact the town in these cases to go over access and utility issues.

A natural occurrence in all surface water supplies, an "algal bloom", is responsible for the taste and odor changes in the water supply. Algal blooms usually occur in late July and into August each year, but can occur during winter months also.

Yes. The taste and odor is a palatability issue. There are no health hazards created regardless of the taste and odor caused by the algal bloom.

On average, our water has about 215mg/1 total hardness.

Our Public Works Department takes care of maintenance on Fairview owned roads. The only streetlights that are Town property are on Fairview Parkway (the road connecting Ridgeview to Highway 5 (Greenville Ave.)). Otherwise, the Home Owner's Associations are in charge of streetlights.

Please call 972-562-0522 and press 4. Public Works has a maintenance technician on call 24 hours a day.

You may report a Town owned streetlight outage by calling 972-562-0522.  The only streetlights that are Town property are on Fairview Parkway (the road connecting Ridgeview to Highway 5 (Greenville Ave.)). Otherwise, the Home Owner's Associations are in charge of streetlights so please call your homeowners association.

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For Inspections please call 972-886-4209

Or email:

GreenCheck New Construction
GreenCheck Interior Remodels
GreenCheck Additions
GreenCheck Alteration and Repairs
GreenCheck Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical
GreenCheck Construction of Interior walls greater than 5 feet 10 inches in height
GreenCheck Retaining walls
GreenCheck Certificates of Occupancy
GreenCheck Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, Accessory Buildings, Lawn Irrigation Systems, Decks, and Patio Covers

The police department opens at 8:00 AM Monday - Friday. For emergencies call 911.

The Front Desk phone number for the Fairview Police Department is 972-886-4211. If you have an emergency, please call 911

This is a, for profit, organization that provides statistical information on risk. The ISO (PPC) rating is from 10 - 1. With "1" being the best. They would give points for everything from the training aids a fire department owned to the distance between fire hydrants.

  • GreenCheckNumber of telephone lines available to receive emergency calls
  • GreenCheckNumber of dispatchers available to answer incoming calls
  • GreenCheckNumber of Engines (Pumpers) meeting minimum criteria
  • GreenCheckNumber of Ladder Trucks meeting minimum criteria
  • GreenCheckDistribution of apparatus
  • GreenCheckAvailability of firefighters
  • GreenCheckTraining facilities and programs
  • GreenCheckAdequacy of water supply (municipal and private)
  • GreenCheckHydrant distribution
  • GreenCheckHydrant inspection program


Extra residential trash or recycle carts are available for an $8.28 per cart plus sales tax.

An extra solid waste or recycling cart for “carry out” services may be requested at a cost of $10.37 per cart plus sales tax.

Charges will be billed on residents water bills.

To see the latest fees associated with Trash & Recycle, click here.

There are four ways to pay your utility bill; Automatic Draft, Pay Online, US Postal Mail, In person/ drop off. The Utility Billing Department is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

The storm water utility is a monthly user fee that pays for maintenance, improvements to the storm water drainage system and other storm water program activities.The Town of Fairview charges $5.75 per month

Please see the Water & Trash for current rates

Click Here

Please see the Trash Service Tab on the Water & Trash page for current rates.

Click Here and click on Trash Service

  • Water only (houses with septic system)      $150
  • Processing fee                                         $25
  • Water and sewer service                          $200
  • Processing fee                                         $25
  • Commercial                                           $500


To stop service please do one of the following;

  1. Complete the Online Form under the horizontal menu item "Other Pages", Select "Forms", Select "Stop Water Service Form"


  1. Send and email to with the following information
    1. Full Name
    2. Address
    3. Account Number on Water Bill
    4. Date for service to be disconnected
    5. Address where the final bill can be mailed
    6. Contact Phone number


There are no discounts for filling a swimming pool. Per gallon water rates are the same as any other water consumption.

Please see the Water & Trash page for current rates.

For more information on what can and cannot be recycled, please check out Republic Services site.

Commonly accepted recyclables for your home include: aluminum and metal cans; glass bottles; plastic #1 and #2; plastic bottles with a neck (soda bottles, laundry product containers, etc.); newspaper and magazines (please bundle or tie); corrugated cardboard/box board (i.e. cereal/soda/beer boxes and similar packaging).

Non-recyclable items include: 

·         Aerosol cans

·         Aluminum foil

·         Batteries

·         Clothing

·         Food waste

·         Glass

·         Mirrors

·         Ceramic

·         Plastic bags

·         Shredded paper

·         Stickers

·         Address labels

·         Styrofoam

·         Tissue

·         Paper towels

·         Napkins


These items should never be mixed with regular recycling. Disposal requires special handling.

·         Incandescent light bulbs

·         Fluorescent tubes

·         Computers & Electronics

·         Needles or syringes

·         Hazardous waste

·         Toxic material containers

·         Paint

·         Yard waste 

Multiple Service Providers offer Fairview residents TV, Interent, and Phone service options. The Service Providers below may not support all Fairview neighborhoods. To determine if your neighborhood is supported, contact the Service Provider directly.


Logo Provider Contact     TV      Internet Phone
Spectrum logo Spectrum 


GreenCheck   GreenCheck GreenCheck 
optimum logo  Optimum Broadband


 GreenCheck GreenCheck  GreenCheck 
Astound logo Astound Broadband


 GreenCheck GreenCheck  GreenCheck 


GreenCheck   GreenCheck GreenCheck 
rise-broadband-logo Rise Broadband


GreenCheck  GreenCheck  GreenCheck 
HNLogo HughesNet


DirecTV logo DIRECTV


viasat logo Viasat 1-855-977-8766   GreenCheck  
T mobile logo T-Mobile Home Internet 1-833-855-0016   GreenCheck  
Starlink logo Starlink     GreenCheck

*The Town of Fairview is providing the information above for educational purposes only and in no way endorses any products or services from any of the providers, nor have we reviewed the legitimacy, efficacy, qualifications or validity of any product or service. You are strongly encouraged to obtain additional information regarding any product or service you may be interested in from independent and reliable sources. Links for service providers shown above will take you away from the Town of Fairview official website and redirect you at your own risk to a private company’s website not under the Town of Fairview’s control.

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The storm water utility fee is a monthly user fee that pays for maintenance, improvements to the drainage system and other program activities.The Town charges $7.75 per month

The Collin County Clerk's Office handles marriage licenses. Here is the link to their website.

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