The town operates a municipal court to adjudicate certain misdemeanors, including traffic citations and code violations. Court is usually conducted on the third Friday of each month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. In order to save time, and for convenience, those who wish to pay their fines may do so by coming to town hall during normal business hours. This will avoid having to appear before the judge in court and often waiting in a very long line. Those who are ordered to appear in court but fail to appear or pay their fines in advance, are liable for immediate arrest.

For legal assistance click here


The Municipal Court has jurisdiction over Class C Misdemeanors and Town Ordinance violations that occur within the corporate limits of the Town of Fairview.

The Town provides 2 ways to pay your court fine:


Juvenile Violators - A notice will be sent to the Juvenile violator and the parent and/or legal guardian. Please disregard court date and time on citation. All juveniles must appear in court in person and be accompanied by a parent and/or legal guardian.

For Defensive Driving or Deferred Disposition, you must contact the court - DO NOT PAY ONLINE. Bring a paper copy of Insurance for Defensive driving or Deferred.

          To pay online, you cannot use Internet Explorer. Choose another internet browser to use, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.

  • Pay at the Town Hall. The Town Hall is located at 372 Town Place, Fairview, TX. 75069. The court is open Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm and closed from 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. daily.

Please allow one (1) business day after issuance for your citation to be available to view and/or pay online. If you are not able to view your citation information, please contact the court at 972-886-4240


Cash MoneyOrder MasterCard Visa

The Town of Fairview Municipal Court accepts cash, check, money order, cashier's check, Mastercard and Visa.

Warrants are only payable by cash, money order, cashier's check, Mastercard and Visa. NO personal checks will be accepted for Warrants.




Deferred Disposition is a 90-day unsupervised probation. You will be requied to pay the full amount of the fine and costs at the time of the request

Deferred Disposition Eligibility Requirements:

  • a valid Texas driver's license or permit
  • proof of financial responsibility or vehicle liability insurance in your name or with you as a listed driver
  • a plea of "guilty" or "no contest"

Deferred disposition will not be an option in the following circumstances:

  • If you have had a deferred disposition granted in the last twelve (12) months
  • Citations with speeds 25 mph or more over the posted speed limit
  • Citations with speeds 20 mph or more over the posted school zone limit
  • Citations for defendants that hold or held a CDL license at the time of offense
  • Citations for an offense committed in a construction zone with workers present

Deferred disposition requirements for those under 25

  • Defendants under 25 years-old given a citation will be required to take a driving safety course.

Defendants with a provisional driver's license

  • If you have a provisional driver's license you will also be required to take an exam through the Department of Public Safety

Town of Fairview Municipal Court Fines (All fine amounts are subject to change without notice, and include all state court costs).

Traffic Violations
Disregard Traffic Control Device $252.00
Driver's License (dl) Violations: Driving with Invalid DL $337.00

Driver's License (dl) Violations: Fail to Change Address on DL 


Driver's License (dl) Violations: No DL

Driver's License (dl) Violations: Expired DL $197.00

Driver's License (dl) Violations: Restriction Code Violation


Driving on Wrong Side of Street or HWY


Driving Wrong Way on a One Way Street


Expired or No Inspection


Expired or No Registration


Failure To Provide Proof of Insurance 


Ran Stop Sign 


Failure To Wear Seatbelt 


Improper Pass To Right 


Unrestrained Child (Under 4 Yrs. Of Age) 

Unsafe Speed $319.00
Non-Traffic Violations

Alcohol, Consume While Driving




Fail To Appear


Minor Possession of Alcohol


Minor Possession of Tobacco


Misrepresentation of Age by Minor


Open Container


Parking - Handicapped Zone


Possession of Drug Paraphernalia


Public Intoxication



Speeding Fines

 11 Miles Over Limit


12 Miles Over Limit


13 Miles Over Limit


14 Miles Over Limit


15 Miles Over Limit


16 Miles Over Limit


17 Miles Over Limit


18 Miles Over Limit


19 Miles Over Limit


20 Miles Over Limit


21 Miles Over Limit


22 Miles Over Limit


23 Miles Over Limit


24 Miles Over Limit


25 Miles Over Limit


26 Miles Over Limit


27 Miles Over Limit


28 Miles Over Limit


29 Miles Over Limit


30 + Miles Over Limit



Driver Safety

If you have been charged with a driving offense, you may be eligible to have the case dismissed by completing a state-approved driving safety course.  You must enter a plea of Guilty or No Contest to the offense, waive you right to a jury trial, submit the required documents, and pay the associated court costs and fees.

IMPORTANT! The court must approve your request before you start a driving safety course.

You must have a valid Texas Driver’s license or permit that is NOT a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL); Exception: Members of the US military forces on active duty and  their immediate family.

  •   You must present proof of insurance and be listed as an insured driver 


  • Not have completed a driving safety course for ticket dismissal within the past 12 months prior to the date of your citation.


  • Not charged with speeding 25 miles per hour or more over the speed limit.


  • Not charged with driving 95 miles per hour or more


  • Not charged with violating one of the following sections of the Transportation Code (TRC) of the State of Texas:

TRC Section 472.022 - Construction or maintenance work zone when workers are present

TRC Section 545.066 - Passing a school bus

TRC Section 545.401 - Reckless driving

TRC Section 545.421 - Fleeing or attempting to elude police officers

TRC Section 550.022 - Accident involving damage to a vehicle

TRC Section 550.023 - Duty to give information and render aid

TRC Section 522.003 - Serious traffic violations



You may request permission to take the driver safety course by mail or in person.



- You must complete the request and affidavit forms (forms must be notarized)

And follow the instructions on the forms

- To be certain or your eligility and the fee, you should contact the court 

($144.00 non school zone or $169.00 in school zone)

- Payment must be included with the request (your personal check, cashier check or money order).  Do not mail cash

- A copy of your valid Texas driver’s license and insurance (listing you  as an insured driver) must be included with the request

- Your request, required documents and fee must be received on or before the answer deadline on your citation (within15 business days after the issue date of the citation)

- You may contact the court to verify your due date, fee and eligibility

- Incomplete requests will be denied


Once you have all the required documents completed and the payment required, you may mail the request to the following address:


Town of Fairview Municipal Court

372 Town Place

Fairview, Texas  75069





- You must bring in your valid Texas driver’s license and proof of insurance listing you as an insured driver

- You must complete request forms at the clerk counter and pay your fee

($144.00 non school zone or $169.00 in school zone)

- Payment may be made with your personal check, money order, cashier check, credit or debit card (3% processing fee) or cash

- Your request and payment must be processed on or before the answer deadline on your citation (within 15 business days after the issue date of the citation)

- You may contact the court to verify your due date, fee and eligibility



If your request to take a driver safety course is granted, you will be given 90 days to sucessfully complete a six (6) hour Texas approved driver safety course and obtain a copy of your driving record from the Texas Department of Public Safety.  Once your request has been approved, you will receive additional instructions on both of these requirements.


You are responsible for ensuring that your contact information submitted on your documents is current and accurate.  If that information changes while your case is still pending with this court, you will need to notify the court in writing as to those changes.







Helpful Links after you have been approved by the court:






Business Hours


Municipal Court Contact




372 Town Place Fairview,