Fairview operates its own police department, which consists of a chief and 19 full-time officers. Dispatch and jail services for the department are handled by the Collin County Sheriff's Office.
Fairview operates its own police department, which consists of a chief and 19 full-time officers. Dispatch and jail services for the department are handled by the Collin County Sheriff's Office.
Chris Chandler is the Chief of Police for the Town of Fairview. Mr. Chandler brings in decades of experience as a peace officer and, prior to coming to Fairview, served as the Chief of Police in the City of Murphy.
Mr. Chandler started his career in law enforcement in 1990 in Jacinto City, near Houston. He was promoted to Sergeant in Jacinto in 1993. The Colony offered him a Lieutenant position which brought him to the Metroplex. In 1998, he was made a Captain and in 2012 he was appointed as the Assistant Chief of Police in The Colony.
Mr. Chandler holds an Associate degree in Criminal Justice from Collin County Community College and a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree from the University of North Texas. Additionally, he completed the Leadership Command College at Sam Houston State University, part of the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas. Moreover, he is a proud graduate of Session #275 at the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy in Quantico, Virginia.
The Fairview Police Department promotes a service-oriented policing philosophy. Although safety is our number one concern, we truly care about how we deliver police service to our community. It is not uncommon to see a Fairview Police Officer assisting a stranded motorist or helping change a flat tire in the heat or cold.
It is our mission, to provide Fairview residents, business clientele, and visitors with a genuine sense of safety through presence, collaboration, crime prevention, enforcement, and personal assistance.
Our goal is to fulfill the mission by selecting superior quality individuals and providing them with excellent training, equipment, and guidance that exemplifies competence, friendliness and fairness.
Although our police department is small in size, we remain on the cutting edge of new technology, equipment, and training.
You may request a copy of an accident or offense report by
Filling out the PDF Form Below Instructions: Download the form, fill it out and mail it, bring it in to the Town Hall at 372 Town Place, Fairview TX. 75069, or email it to PoliceRecords@fairviewtexas.org
Request for copy of Peace Officers Report
Vacation House Watch Service is available to residents of Fairview who will be away from their homes on vacation. A minimum duration of two days is required for a house watch. The maximum duration of time your house will be checked is one month, and there is no guarantee that your house can be checked daily based on call volume. You are limited to eight weeks of house watch services per calendar year. Apartments are NOT eligible for this service, and homes must be currently occupied. If anyone will be staying overnight for any period of this time, that house is NOT eligible. The house will be checked daily if call volume allows. Upon returning home, please email us housewatch@fairviewtexas.org to let the Police Department know you have returned.
The Town of Fairview Alarm Permit Ordinance in effect since 1998 (Article 4.05) requires an Alarm Permit for active alarm systems in Fairview, monitored or non-monitored.
The Town offers two (2) ways to complete the annual permit process.
Go Online to https://fairviewtexasalarm.com/ and complete the form online
Download and complete the Alarm Permit PDF file and send it in with payment to the Town of Fairview.
To reset your password or for login information, please email alarm@fairviewtexas.org
The following permit fees are in effect for residential, commercial and other non-residential permits. Notice: Alarm Permits must be renewed annually by Jan. 31st of each year.
Residential Alarm Permit Fee = $50.00 (includes individual apartment units)
Commercial and Other Non-Residential Alarm Permit Fee = $100.00
Renewal Fee for Residential Alarm Permits = $50.00 (includes individual apartment units)
Renewal Fee for Commercial and Other Non-Residential Alarm Permits = $100.00
Late Fee for Renewal - All renewal permit fee(s) are due January 1st of each year; provided, however, that there is a 30-day grace period and no late fee will apply unless said renewal permit fee(s) are not paid on or before January 31st of the year they become due. Residential alarm permit renewal fees paid after January 31st will incur a $12.50 late fee. Commercial and other non-residential alarm permit renewal fees paid after January 31st will incur a $25.00 late fee.
False Alarms 1-3 during the preceding 12-month period, NO PENALTY ASSESSED
False Alarms 4-5 during the preceding 12-month period, $50.00 per false alarm
False Alarms 6-7 during the preceding 12-month period, $75.00 per false alarm
False Alarms 8+ during the preceding 12-month period, $100.00 per false alarm
The "Notice of False Alarm" left by the officer who responds to a false alarm is considered your notification of police response.
If you have any questions, please call the Fairview Police Department at 972-886-4211.
Golf carts may be driven on certain public streets. All those wishing to operate their golf carts on public streets must comply with the Town of Fairview ordinance (2017-22) regulating the use of golf carts on public streets and must apply for a golf cart permit.
Note: The streets in Heritage Ranch are not public streets.
To obtain an application fill out this form and send it to the Town Hall.
Golf Cart Permit Registration Application Packet
Permit Fees: $60.00 per address. This fee is non-refundable.
Forms of payment: Cash, Check, or you can use a Visa or Mastercard w/a 3% transaction fee.
Required Documentation: Valid Driver’s License.
Auto Insurance: The golf cart must be listed on your auto policy.
Once the police department has received the application and the required documentation, your application packet will be processed. Once processed, an officer will contact you to arrange a time for your golf cart to be inspected. Once inspected, the officer will issue a permit sticker that will expire two years from the date on the permit sticker.
If you have any questions or concerns about the golf cart permit, ordinance, or procedure, please contact the Fairview Police Department at 972-886-4211
Golf Cart Permit Application
Golf Cart Ordinance
Compliment a Fairview Police Officer
If a Fairview Police Officer has done a good job and you want to say thanks, you may elect to do one of the following:
Fairview Police Department
ATTN: Chief of Police
372 Town Place
Fairview, TX 75069
Your comments will be forwarded through the officer’s chain of command and be reviewed by the Office of the Chief of Police. After the review, a copy of your comments will be placed in the officer’s personnel file and the original document provided to the employee.
File a Complaint Against a Fairview Police Officer
The Fairview Police Department understands the importance of protecting the community from officers who have demonstrated acts of misconduct or have shown they are unfit for law enforcement work, the need to protect officers from false allegations of misconduct, and the opportunity to periodically assess the effectiveness of our policies and procedures. These objectives can only be accomplished through a consistent, thorough, and objective investigative process.
The Office of the Chief of Police is responsible for administering the complaint process. Should you hold the impression an officer has been involved in misconduct or are dissatisfied with our service you may register a complaint by:
Fairview Police Department
ATTN: Chief of Police
372 Town Place
Fairview, TX 75069
Texas law requires that all complaints against police officers be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. The person who was wronged must file the complaint; other people may give statements as witnesses. Please provide contact information.
False Complaints
Filing a false complaint against a police employee is a violation of the Texas Penal Code, Section 37.02. If a person knowingly and intentionally makes a false statement under oath or swears to the truth of a false statement previously made under oath, a person may be found guilty and punished by a fine up to $4,000, confinement in jail up to one year, or by both fine and imprisonment.
The Fairview Police Department has partnered with the Allen Police Department’s Community Relations Unit to offer Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) training for women and girls who are at least 14. (Girls ages 14-16 must be accompanied by a legal guardian to participate.) The course is designed to educate and empower women to defend themselves against a physical attack.
Enrollment is capped at 25 students for each session, and classes fill quickly. The four-week sessions are scheduled periodically throughout the year. Watch for an announcement via Nixle when the next registration opens. Classes meet from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays at Allen Heights Baptist Church, 1309 E. Main Street. All courses are taught by certified instructors.
For more information, call Allen Police Sergeant Frank Page at 214-509-4359 or email Fairview Police Sergeant Boston Ross at bross@fairviewtexas.org.
Check the enrollment calendar for the latest schedule and to enroll.
372 Town Place Fairview, TX 75069 | 972-562-0522 | Map It
General Email Inquiries: info@fairviewtexas.org
We are open from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m Monday-Friday.
This is the Official Website of the Town of Fairview.