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The Fairview Fire Marshal’s Office is responsible for the protection of life and property through code enforcement, plans review, fire inspections and fire cause determination.

The Fire Marshal's Office is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) agency. Personnel are Certified Fire/Arson Investigators, Certified Fire Inspectors and Licensed Peace Officers.

Fire Plans Review

Plans must be submitted electronically.  We do not accept print plans. 

To submit plans electronically, send to fireplans@fairviewtexas.org

Fire Inspections

All commercial buildings 1000 square feet or more and residential buildings 5000 square feet or more are subject to the Town of Fairview's Fire Safety ordinance. Additionally, the fire marshal and fire inspectors provide yearly safety inspections of businesses within the Town of Fairview.
Fire Inspections can be scheduled by emailing fireinspections@fairviewtexas.org.

Annual Fire Inspections and Certificates of Occupancy

Annual inspections are vital to ensure the safety of business employees and customers.  Please use the following list to comply with our inspection requirements and to help keep your business safe for everyone. 

  • Fire Lanes are marked with signs or pavement markings per Town Ordinance
  • Fire Hydrants face fire lanes and are painted to Town standards.Hydrants not protected by curbs must have bollards installed to protect them from vehicular impacts. Hydrant must have 3 feet of clearance.
  • Fire Alarm System (where applicable) has been tested and accepted by the Fire Department.No outstanding issues remain. Yearly inspections by an alarm company.
  • Fire Sprinkler / Suppression Systems have been tested and accepted by the Fire Department. No outstanding issues remain. Yearly inspections by a fire sprinkler company.
  • Fire Department Connections (FDC) must be unobstructed, including vegetation, parking space, etc. and have a Knox Company Locking Cap in place.
  • Exiting systems are clear and unobstructed.
  • Proper hardware is installed on all exit doors, per code.  Dead bolts, slide bolts, bars or other similar type of securing devices are not allowed on secondary exits.
  • Exit signs and emergency lights have battery backup and function properly.
  • All Exit and Emergency Lighting shall be on a dedicated breaker
  • Premise Address must be permanently affixed to the building, front and rear. Suite numbers must be placed over the main entrance and rear doors.  Address placement and size/stroke requirements are available through the Fire Department
  • Utility meters (gas / electric) must have the suite number of the supplied occupant affixed.
  • All fire extinguishers, including newly purchased extinguishers, must be inspected and display an inspection tag by a company that is licensed by the Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office.  Extinguishers must be mounted per NFPA 10.
  • A Knox Box is required to be installed on all commercial buildings. Location to be determined by the Fire Department.  Shell buildings may have one Knox Box of appropriate size for all tenants. Each tenant is responsible to provide a key to the inspector at time of final inspection.
  • Assembly occupancies must have a Maximum Occupancy Load sign prominently displayed.
  • Fire system inspections are complete.  No outstanding issues remain


Fire Ordinances

Open burning

Open burning is not allowed within the Town of Fairview.

Outdoor fireplaces and fire pits may be used for recreational purposes if the following are met: (1) Must not contain a fire greater than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height and shall be surrounded on the outside, aboveground, by a non-combustible material such as steel, brick, or masonry. (2) The fire pit bottom must be at least 6 inches below the outer ring of the fire pit. (3) The fire location is ten feet or more of any structure or combustible material. (4) The burn can only contain natural vegetation and no trash.  

Fire Ordinances

Burn an Arsonist

The Fairview Fire Marshal’s Office has partnered with the Texas Advisory Council on Arson to offer a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of person(s) responsible for arson activities in the Town of Fairview. If you have information, call the Fairview Fire Marshal’s Office at 972-886-4232 or contact the Texas Advisory Council on Arson at 1-877-4-FIRE-45 (1-877-434-7345).

Fire Ordinances

Town of Fairview Fire and Building Ordinances w/ Amendments

icon2018 IFC Amendments Fairview

icon2018 IBC Amendments Fairview 


Fire Ordinances

Knox Box

The town also has a Knox Box ordinance that requires all gated entryways to be accessible through a key system approved by the fire chief. For more information, please contact the fire department's non-emergency number, 972-886-4232, and check on-line for products at



Fire Ordinances

Alarm Permit Inspections

For those properties that have a fire alarm or burglar alarm an alarm permit is required. To get an alarm permit, visit www.fairviewtexasalarm.com or download one of the alarm permit forms below.

iconCommercial Alarm Permit iconResidential Alarm Permit


The Town of Fairview has a Town Ordinance (5601.1.3  Fireworks) prohibiting the sale, possession, storage, handling or use of fireworks within the town’s limits. Fireworks provide a danger to structures and property as well as create a high risk for bodily injury.

This ordinance prohibits the discharge or possession of fireworks anywhere within the Town of Fairview or the Town’s Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Only commercially approved fireworks display that have received a firework permit from the Town of Fairview are permitted.

Any person found in violation of this ordinance may be issued a citation and have their fireworks confiscated by law enforcement.  Guilty parties could face fines up to $2,000 for each offense.

Please direct any questions to the Fairview Fire Marshal’s Office.

We all know that parking in a fire lane is illegal. Yet, many citizens do that every day. The space outside of a business or school is not a loading zone if it is designated as a fire lane. The fire lane is an area reserved for fire apparatus, ambulance or police vehicle responding to an emergency to be able to park at a useful distance from a structure. In additional, emergency vehicles will stage in a fire lane in order to provide rapid response to emergency calls.

Unobstructed fire lanes are essential for emergency access to all buildings and schools. The Town of Fairview has an ordinance preventing the obstruction of these lanes due to life safety concerns.

503.4 Obstruction  of  fire  apparatus  access  roads.  Fire apparatus access roads shall not be obstructed in any manner, including the parking of vehicles.  The minimum widths and clearances established in Section 503.2.1 of the International Fire Code (2012) and any area marked as a fire lane as described in Section 503.3 shall be maintained at all times.

a. Court  fines  resulting  from  an  unoccupied  vehicle  in  the  fire  lane  shall  be  the responsibility of the vehicle operator or the registered owner (citations may be mailed or delivered in person).

b. Unoccupied and/or occupied vehicles or other obstructions in the fire lane may be removed or towed at the expense of the registered owner.


Event calendar


March 2025
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Fire Marshal Contact