The water rate structure is the same for 2024-25 as the 2023-24 rate structure. Rather than pass along substantial water rate increases charged by the North Texas Municipal Water District, the Town is absorbing those cost increases in its 2024-25 budget.
Residential sewer averaging is based on the average number of gallons of water used per month during the three months from the previous December 15 to March 15, or other appropriate billing period that most closely coincides with the previous three winter months. Customers who do not have a three-month winter average upon which to base an estimated sanitary usage shall be assessed on the actual number of gallons of water metered monthly.
NOTICE: Water conservations measures are explained in detail in Fairview Ordinance 13.07.008, which includes restrictions on landscape watering. Between April 1 and Oct. 31, Fairview residents are only allowed to use an irrigation system before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Residents are also limited to watering with an irrigation system twice per week, regardless of the time of year.
View the full ordinance for details.
Water & Sewer Deposit Fees:
Residential Sewer Rates: |
First 1,000 gallons |
$45.05 |
1,001-12,000 gallons |
$7.54 per 1,000 gallons |
NOTE: Service addresses without town water services = $129.73 |
Residential & Non-Residential & Special* Residential Water Usage Rates: |
First 2,000 gallons |
$28.10 |
2,001 – 10,000 gallons |
$6.13 per 1,000 gallons |
10,001 – 20,000 gallons |
$7.65 per 1,000 gallons |
20,001 – 30,000 gallons |
$9.58 per 1,000 gallons |
30,001 – 40,000 gallons |
$10.54 per 1,000 gallons |
40,001 – 50,000 gallons |
$11.58 per 1,000 gallons |
Over 50,000 gallons* |
$15.38 per 1,000 gallons |
Stormwater Fee: |
Flat Rate Fee |
$5.75 per month |
Commercial Water Usage Rates:
Commercial Sewer Rates: |
First 1,000 gallons |
$67.02 |
Over 1,000 gallons |
$7.54 per 1,000 gallons |
A page will open in a new window for you to login to your account; if you are new to online payments, you'll either need to setup an account or make a one-time payment. All you need to make a one-time payment is your utility bill account number and the amount of your last payment.
*Your credit card will be charged a 3% fee in addition to your monthly payment.
Customers are encouraged to pay by automatic bank draft (ABD). When using a draft, the customer's chosen bank account is electronically debited one day before payment is due each month. Customers still receive a bill for information purposes two weeks before the draft date. There is no additional charge to enroll in the Town's ABD program, and you may cancel at any time by notifying the Town in writing.
Customers should use the Town remittance stub and envelope when paying by mail. Remittance envelopes are provided with the monthly bill and are pre-printed with the address for the Town of Fairview. If the remittance stub is not used and no reference information is provided on the check, there may be a delay in posting the payment to the proper account.
Of course, customers are welcome to stop by Town Hall and pay at the billing office. You may also use our drop box at any time. It is located on the south side of Town Hall curbside beside the handicap parking spots.
If you are concerned that you were billed for unusually high usage, you may have a leak on your property. Small leaks such as toilet flapper valves, and leaking fittings, can over time, result in unusually high consumption. If you have an irrigation system, damaged heads, and leaks can greatly contribute to a higher water bill.
To determine whether or not you do have a leak download our Yes! You Can Find a Water Leak brochure for step-by-step instructions for finding leaks.
If you detect a leak and have it repaired by a licensed plumber, you may qualify for a leak adjustment. To qualify, leaks must be substantial enough to exceed at least $250 of the applicant's average monthly water bill, and residents must have six months of consumption history in the Town, not including the leak period, to apply for a leak adjustment. Receipts for leak repair from a licensed plumber* must be included in the application. Only one leak adjustment will be allowed per household in an 18-month period. Click here to print a Leak Adjustment Request Form. Return completed forms to along with proof of all repairs made.
*If a customer completes the repair themselves, the customer must submit receipts for repair parts and an affidavit verifying that the repair was made with purchased parts or parts on-hand.
NOTICE: Water conservations measures spelled out in Fairview Ordinance 13.07.008 put restrictions on outdoor watering. Between April 1 and Oct. 31, Fairview residents are only allowed to use an irrigation system before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Residents are also limited to watering with an irrigation system twice per week, regardless of the time of year.
View the full ordinance for details.
Almost all of our meters in Town are manufactured by Master Meter. They are radio read meters. The meter sends a radio signal to a laptop computer in our trucks. This allows us to get your meter reading without ever actually opening your meter box. This also eliminates most meter reading mistakes.
We encourage you to read your meter periodically. This will allow you to see how much water you use on a daily basis. To read your meter simply open the can and write down all the numbers in the white and black boxes.
Most meters have 4 white boxes with black numbers, followed by two black boxes with white numbers, followed by a white zero surrounded in blue. These are displayed on the picture shown.
Reading from Right to Left –
1. The first black box with a white number represents 10s of gallons. A 3 in that box would represent 30 gallons.
2. The second black box represents 100’s of gallons. A 2 in the second box would represent 200 gallons.
3. The first White box with black numbers would represent 1,000’s of gallons. A 5 in this box would represent 5,000 gallons.
4. In the picture the water usage would be Five thousand, Two Hundred – Thirty.
To determine your usage; pick a day and write down all the numbers displayed. Then read the meter again; at about the same time the next day. Subtract the second days reading from the first. This will tell you how many gallons you used. Remember to add a Zero at the end of your calculation since we do not measure units lower than 10 gallons.
Also, please note: The Town of Fairview rounds our billing to the nearest 1,000 gallons.
View Ordinance 2024-20 to see the rate structure that went into effect Oct. 1, 2024.
Residential Trash Collection Fees
Residential trash and recycling services are provided by Republic Services throughout the town. The cost for once per week trash and recycling collection, using 95-gallon rolling containers, is $22.87 (plus sales tax) per month. Garbage service shall be limited to poly-cart collection once per week on a regularly scheduled service day. Residents may order and pay for additional carts. Additional trash or recycle carts will be billed at $8.87 per month per cart, and additional carts may be ordered online. Trash collection is billed on residents’ water bills. Disabled residents may request garage door pickup.
All residential properties are covered by the franchise, regardless of whether or not water service is provided by the town, and will be billed accordingly. Failure to pay any portion of the town’s utility bill may result in late fees and/or termination of service.
Reduced Senior Rate
A senior resident charge of $21.32, (plus sales tax) shall be made to each residential water customer of the town. Residents may begin receiving the senior rate after submitting a request and providing a valid document supporting an occupant of the residence is age 65 or older. Valid documents could include a driver’s license, passport, or other government issued document identifying the occupant’s date of birth and current address. This monthly charge shall include weekly trash and recycling collection, once a month curbside brush/bulk pickup and town administrative fee. To sign up for the reduced senior rate, click here. Complete the form and return it in person or mail it to the address on the form.Completed forms may also be left in the drop box outside Town Hall.
Disabled Persons Requests
Certified disabled residents may request “backdoor” pickup for $22.87 (plus sales tax) per month to have it collected at their house. Billing is through the town’s monthly utility bill. This monthly charge shall include weekly trash and recycling collection from the resident's garage door, once a month curbside brush/bulk pickup and the town administrative fee. To sign up for the Disabled Trash Collection, click here. Complete the form and return it in person or mail it to the address on the form. Completed forms may also be left in the drop box outside Town Hall.
Special Carryout Trash Service
Residents without a qualifying disability who prefer not to roll the cart(s) to the curb may pay $36.00 (plus sales tax) per month to have it collected at their garage doors. An extra cart trash or recycle cart may be ordered online for $11.11 (plus tax) for carry-out service from the house. This monthly charge shall include “backdoor” collection and disposal services weekly, once a month curbside brush/bulk pickup, “backdoor” recycling services weekly, and town administrative fee. Billing is through the town’s monthly utility bill. To sign up, click here . Fill out the form and mail it back to us or email it here.
Additional questions, service requests and concerns, should be directed to Republic Services.
Bulk/Brush Collection
Bulk/brush items must be placed outside by 7 a.m. on your designated Monday and no earlier than 6 p.m. the Friday before. Republic Services will pick up bulk items between Monday and Friday of your designated week. To confirm your designated Monday, please view the Bulk, Trash and Recycle Map. Residents can request additional bulk and brush pickup for items that which are not disposed of during normal residential pickup or are in excess of the twelve (12) cubic yard collection limit for normal residential pickup. This unusual accumulation collection pickup will be charged at $110.87 per hours plus a disposal fee of $5.54 per yard collected.
Uncollected bulky waste must be cleared from the collection point by the resident before 6 a.m. the Monday following the scheduled collection week.
Bulky waste is defined in Town Ordinance 2016-21 as follows:
Stoves, refrigerators, water tanks, washing machines, furniture, construction debris and other waste materials generated from a residential unit only, other than dead animals, hazardous waste, or stable matter with weights or volumes greater than those allowed for the applicable bins or poly carts. Customer shall be responsible for the proper removal of refrigerants and other hazardous wastes from bulky waste and shall properly tag bulky waste as being free of refrigerants and other hazardous wastes prior to removal by contractor.
Trash/Recycling Collection and Cart Usage
Trash and recycling collection is once per week, Monday or Wednesday for most of the Town, (see the subdivision schedule at the top of the page) Tuesday in Heritage Ranch. Garbage and recycling collection is in 95-gallon rolling containers provided by the hauler. There is no cost for the carts unless they are ruined by customer neglect or are taken when a customer moves out of Fairview. Customers can be charged a fee of $77.61 for each replacement cart if due to damage or neglect.
Extra garbage or recycle carts are available for an additional $8.87 (plus sales tax) per month each, or an extra $11.11 (plus sales tax) for trash or recycle cart carry-out service from the house. Order additional carts here.
To have extra trash or recycle carts removed, contact Utility Billing at 972-886-4242. Please note, account holders are responsible for verifying charges for trash and recycling carts. Previous occupants' elections for the number of carts remains in effect until the current occupant notifies Utility Billing of a requested change.
Collection is at the street and nothing outside the carts will be picked up except during the once per month brush and bulk waste collection. Residents may purchase a pink tag to set out additional garbage. Pink tags can be purchased at Fairview Town Hall for $2.22. One pink tag for each additional bag.
Click to view zoomable map files that show collection zones for trash, recycling, bulk and brush.
Call Republic Services at 972-422-2341 to schedule a pickup for a missed collection or to report a damaged cart.
By law, neither Fairview nor Republic Services collects household hazardous waste. For a fee, residents may take hazardous waste to the Dallas County Home Chemical Collection Center, located in Dallas at 11234 Plano Road, about one mile north of Interstate 635. The facility is the first building past the railroad tracks on the east side of the street.
For a fee, the Dallas County Home Chemical Collection Center accepts household waste such as:
The center will not accept:
For information about how to dispose of unacceptable materials, call 214-553-1765 or visit the collection center's website.
There is no need to presort recyclables. Do not place items in plastic bags. Shredded paper is no longer acceptable to recycle, please always close the cart lid.
Materials collected in a municipal recycling program include:
Number 1, 2, & 5 plastics can be recycled in your recycle bin. Milk jugs, liter bottles, shampoo bottles, etc.
No butter tubs or containers with openings as large as the container.
No plastic bottles that have contained oil or petroleum by-products.
Please remove all caps.
All colors of glass bottles can be recycled. Bottles only. No plate glass, ceramic or mirrors. Please rinse containers and discard lids.
All metal food and beverage cans can be recycled. It’s not necessary to remove the label, but please remove the lids, all food waste and rinse.
No aluminum foil.
Newspapers, catalogs and magazines can all be recycled in your recycle bin. Do not bundle newspaper or place in bags
Place all junk mail, envelopes, cereal boxes, cardboard, chipboard and any other household paper product inside your bin.
For more information on what can and cannot be recycled, please check out Republic Services site.
Click here to check out the new Republic Services Plano Recycling Center site.
Trash, recycling and yard trimmings are collected weekly on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Trash and recycling carts should be placed at the curb no later than 7 a.m. on pick up day. The only waste that will be picked up will be household waste, grass clippings, leaves and similar yard waste placed in a container provided by the contractor. Call Republic Services at 972-422-2341 to schedule a pick up for a missed collection or to report a damaged cart.
Bulk waste and loose brush are collected once a month. Bulk trash may be put out after 6 p.m. on the Friday before collection and may be picked up anytime during the collection week.
Missed Trash, Recycle Pickup, Missed Bulk pickup, or to request a replacement trash or recycle cart
Paperless Billing
The Utility Billing Department is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Fairview Residents may take bulk waste to the North Texas Municipal Water District’s 121 Regional Disposal Facility in Melissa. Contact the facility at 469-626-4452 to learn what fees will be charged.
Before going to the disposal facility, view the Water District’s Quick Reference Guide to learn procedures and which items will and won’t be accepted for disposal.
Emergency or after hours for North Texas Municipal Water District facilities: 972-442-5405.
Please read and review the full Acceptable Waste Policy.
For answers to other questions, call the regional disposal facility at 469-626-4452 or email
Follow the steps below to start new resident Water and Trash service:
1. Send an email to with:
A completed Water and Sewer Application*
A copy of a signed lease agreement for the dwelling OR proof of home ownership
A copy of a government-issued ID for all applicants who are at least 18 years old
*For homes with aerobic systems, water service will not be provided without a valid aerobic system maintenance contract on file with Town of Fairview.
Once the application and all required documentation are received, the Utility Billing department will issue a water account number and call you for payment of the deposit. Applications for service must be submitted 2 business days (excluding holidays) prior to beginning service. A copy of all applicants Driver’s License or Government issued identification is required for all new service requests.
Trash Service Note: New account holders are responsible for verifying charges for trash and recycling carts. Previous occupants' elections for additional carts remains in effect until the current occupant notifies Utility Billing of a requested change.
o If your house is new construction, you are required to contact the Utility Billing department to verify that your house has passed all necessary inspections and that it is ready for occupancy. Town staff will order Trash and Recycle containers to be delivered after the house has passed final inspections and all deposits have been paid. New construction requires 1-week advance order for delivery of Trash and Recycle containers.
2. A deposit or a letter of credit is required before your service commences. *Please Note: Water service will commence within the next 48 hours (excluding holidays) after all forms are signed and amounts paid.
o Residential water only: $150.00 (or letter of credit from previous municipal utility provider indicating two consecutive years of no late or delinquent payments).
o Residential water and sewer: $200.00 (or letter of credit from previous municipal utility provider indicating two consecutive years of no late or delinquent payments).
3. Choose how you would like to pay your bill:
A. You can pay your deposit or your monthly bill with Visa or Mastercard with a 3% processing fee (per Ordinance 2013-10-F)
B. Drop a check in the outside payment box located at the east or south side of Fairview Town Hall, 372 Town Place
C. Bank draft from your savings or checking account with no fee. We can start the auto draft of your water account on your first bill.
D. We offer online bill payment available through Municipal Online Payments on the Town of Fairview website (see the “pay your bill” option on water and trash page). After you have paid your deposit and transfer fee your water account will become active and you can set up your account to make payments online. You will need to create your water account in The Utility Billing department will assign a water account number which you can use to establish a membership and pay your bill online. You are able to view your consumption history, billing and payment history and make online payments to your account.
Water and Sewer Application - Residential
Water and Sewer Application - Commercial
Water and Sewer Rate Increase Ordinance - Effective October 1, 2023
Confidential Information Disclosure Form
Water & Sewer Deposit Fees:
Trash, recycling and yard trimmings are collected weekly on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Trash and recycling carts should be placed at the curb no later than 7 a.m. on pick up day. The only waste that will be picked up will be household waste, grass clippings, leaves and similar yard waste placed in a container provided by the contractor. Call Republic Services at 972-422-2341 to schedule a pick up for a missed collection or to report a damaged cart.
Bulk waste and loose brush are collected once a month. Bulk trash may be put out after 6 p.m. on the Friday before collection and may be picked up anytime during the collection week.
Missed Trash, Recycle Pickup, Missed Bulk pickup, or to request a replacement trash or recycle cart
Paperless Billing
The Utility Billing Department is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
View Ordinance 2024-20 to see the rate structure that went into effect Oct. 1, 2024.
Small Commercial with Contractor-supplied 95 gallon Poly Carts
One 95-gallon Cart once per week for Solid Waste $32.71
One 95-gallon Cart twice per week for Solid Waste N/A
One 95-gallon Cart once per week for Recycling $20.51
Commercial and Industrial Customers
The Town has given Republic Services exclusive rights for waste collection and disposal of commercial and industrial garbage. This exclusivity does not include commercial or industrial recyclable materials, commercial or industrial accounts for which Republic Services releases from the Town or construction debris.
Republic Services will bill all commercial and industrial customers directly. All commercial and industrial customers will be billed a 5 percent franchise fee on each bill.
Front Load Commercial Service Rates
All fees include the franchise fee
1X |
2X |
3X |
4X |
5X |
6X |
Commercial hand collect 95 gallon (2 carts) |
2 Yard |
$95.86 |
$177.33 |
$60.98 |
4 Yard |
$136.15 |
$254.69 |
$370.65 |
$471.76 |
$94.24 |
6 Yard |
$168.12 |
$314.89 |
$450.96 |
$685.28 |
$149.68 |
8 Yard |
$224.72 |
$366.49 |
$499.74 |
$633.11 |
$659.49 |
$816.50 |
$171.85 |
Other Fees
•Relocate or removal: $88.23
•Extra yards collected $49.89/yard
• Casters (per collection/per container) $5.88
• Locks (fee per month, per container) $2.95
•Enclosures (fee per collection per container) $2.95
•Exchange Front Load Container: $147.02
Industrial service charges include: 20, 30, and 40 yard open top units for business and construction; compactor unit sizes on a per customer basis; 5 percent franchise fee on all industrial loans; haul rate; disposal rate and rental charges negotiated with customer at time of services by Republic Services.
Roll-Off Containers
Permanent and Temporary-Rates include the Franchise Fee
Delivery | Daily Rental | Monthly Rental | Haul Rate | Disposal per Ton | |
20 Yards | $147.02 | $6.27 | $190.67 | $393.32 | $45.28 |
30 Yards | $147.02 | $6.27 | $190.67 | $393.32 | $45.28 |
40 Yards | $147.02 | $6.27 | $190.67 | $393.32 | $45.28 |
Monthly Rental | Haul Rate | Disposal per Ton | |
15 Yards SC | $ Neg | $407.60 | $45.28 |
20 Yards SC | $ Neg | $407.60 | $45.28 |
25 Yards SC | $ Neg | $407.60 | $45.28 |
30 Yards SC | $ Neg | $407.60 | $45.28 |
35 Yards SC | $ Neg | $407.60 | $45.28 |
40-Yard Receiver | $ Neg | $407.60 | $45.28 |
Dry Run Fee: $199.95
Liner for Open Top: $41.16
Relocate Container: $147.02
Wash Compactor: $294.07
Contractor will bill commercial and industrial customers directly.
Questions, Complaints and Concerns
Additional questions, service requests and concerns, should be directed to Republic Services.
Trash, recycling and yard trimmings are collected weekly on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Trash and recycling carts should be placed at the curb no later than 7 a.m. on pick up day. The only waste that will be picked up will be household waste, grass clippings, leaves and similar yard waste placed in a container provided by the contractor. Call Republic Services at 972-422-2341 to schedule a pick up for a missed collection or to report a damaged cart.
Bulk waste and loose brush are collected once a month. Bulk trash may be put out after 6 p.m. on the Friday before collection and may be picked up anytime during the collection week.
Missed Trash, Recycle Pickup, Missed Bulk pickup, or to request a replacement trash or recycle cart
Paperless Billing
The Utility Billing Department is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
General Forms -
High Water Usage -
Trash Service -
Start or Stop Service -
If you encounter a water emergency on a weekend or after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, call 972-886-4229 to reach on-call staff.
372 Town Place Fairview, TX 75069 | 972-562-0522 | Map It
General Email Inquiries:
We are open from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m Monday-Friday.
This is the Official Website of the Town of Fairview.