
To ensure new residential and commercial development and redevelopment is of the highest quality, adds value, and enhances quality of life in Fairview. The planning department strives to meet these goals through the implementation of the town’s Comprehensive Plan and the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations.

blue link Subdivision Regulation

blue link Zoning Ordinance

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Planning and Zoning Commission

Zoning Board of Adjustment

Parks and Recreation Advisory Board


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1160 Rowley Mile

a.       Conduct a public hearing, consider and make a recommendation on a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for an accessory structure.  The 1.1-acre lot is located at 1160 Rowley Mile and is zoned for the (RE-1) One-acre Ranch Estate District. Owner/Applicant: Ben and Jessica Quenzer.

Stixrood Property Rezoning

Conduct a public hearing, consider and make a recommendation on a Major Warrant to allow for the subject site to develop in accordance with the (RE-1.5) One-and-one-half Ranch Estate District.  The 5.9-acre tract of land is located on the east side of HWY 5, south of Sloan Creek and is zoned for the Commercial Planned Development District (CPDD) with the Urban Transition sub-district.  Applicant: Nikhil Joshi, representing owners Don Stixrood.



With the Commercial Planned Development District (CPDD) Area Plan and Zoning Ordinance having a lifespan that now comprises over 10 years, the Fairview Town Council elected to initiate an update of these planning documents as one of their strategic initiatives for the 2013 calendar year. With the development of the Village at Fairview and the profound impact of the "Great Recession," the market for new commercial and residential development in Fairview has changed from when this plan was first approved in 2002. Acknowledging this reality, the town released a Request For Qualifications for planning consultants to carry out this complex, market-based planning effort. The desired end-state of this planning effort is to position the CPDD to develop into one of the premier commercial corridors in Collin County, while still ensuring that the transition between this commercially-oriented district and existing low-density residential districts is harmonious, and properly buffered.

Planning Area

The town’s commercial district is a nearly 1,000-acre planned development district that was established by the town in 2002 in order to encourage commercial and higher-density/more diverse residential building types along the US 75 and State Highway 5 corridors. The CPDD abuts the City of Allen to the south and west, and the City of McKinney to the north. The CPDD is generally bounded by US 75 to the west, Stacy Road to the south, State Highway 5 to the east, and Frisco Road to the north. In general, the properties that abut the east side of State Highway 5, also fall within the CPDD.

Executed Area Plan, Code, and Exhibits

This project was initiated in October, 2013 and was adopted by the Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council on Thursday, September 11, 2014.

iconCPDD Code (adopted 09/11/2014, Ord. No. 2014-9-11B; amended 12/05/2017, Ord. No. 2017-28)

iconCPDD Appendices (adopted 09/11/2014, Ord. No. 2014-9-11B; amended 12/05/2017, Ord. No. 2017-28; amended 01/03/2023, Ord. No. 2023-02)

iconCPDD Framework Plan (adopted 09/11/2014, Ord. No. 2014-9-11B)


Amendments to CPDD Code and Appendices

iconOrd. No. 2017-28 Amendment to CPDD Code Articles 5 and 7 and CPDD Appendices

iconOrd. No. 2023-02 Amendment to CPDD Appendices

If you have questions concerning the CPDD please contact the town's Planning Manager, Israel Roberts at iroberts@fairviewtexas.org or 972-562-0522, extension 5094.