This system allows residents to receive the following types of alerts and notifications
- Emergency Alerts (i.e. tornado warning, major water issues)
- Advisory Notifications (i.e. road closures, police activity, severe weather)
- Community Notification (i.e. town hall updates, event information)
Sign up by texting "Fairview" to 888-777. Then, send your email address via text to 888-777, so Nixle can shift advisory notifications and community notifications to your email inbox, reserving text messaging for emergency alerts that need your urgent attention.
To customize your delivery preferences, go to Nixle.com. Then:
1. Go to the “Account” tab and provide contact information for each type of message delivery you’d like. Note: On this tab, you can also choose to turn off notification during certain hours of the day or night. If choosing this option, be sure to select the “America/Chicago” option for the Central time zone.
2. Don’t forget to click “Save” to activate your selections.
3. Then, go to the “Settings” tab and click the drop-down menu to the right of “Town of Fairview” to select which types of notifications you want:
- Alerts Only
- Alerts and Advisories
- Alerts, Advisories and Community
4. Check the “Email” box if you provided an email address and would like to receive email notifications in lieu of text messages for everything but emergency alerts.
5. Click “Save” again to activate your selections.