Fairview Town Center will hold its annual July 4 Bike Parade from 9-11 a.m. at The Fountain.

Families are invited to decorate their bikes, scooters, strollers and wagons in honor of the holiday and join the parade around the center building at FTC. Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated parade vehicle and for the most patriotic outfit. 

The parade will start promptly at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. Family activities will continue through 11 a.m., including:

bullet Face painting

bullet Balloon twisting

bullet Visits with Uncle Sam and the Statue of Liberty

bullet A fire truck and visits with Fairview firefighters (unless called away for duty)

bullet A bounce house

bullet Free goodie bags for the first 150 kids ages 12 and younger

bullet A free sweet treat for the first 150 kids ages 12 and younger

 Visit the Community Events page for a list of more community events for you and your family. 

Event calendar


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