Update on Mosquito Activity (September 18, 2024)

From May 1st through October 31st each year, six mosquito traps are set in designated locations throughout Fairview for the purpose of testing mosquitoes for West Nile Virus (WNV). Mosquito traps produce up to two test pools for WNV testing. The Town of Fairview contracts with Municipal Mosquito for mosquito surveillance, testing, and control services. In addition to setting and testing mosquito traps, Municipal Mosquito conducts weekly site inspections of property that’s owned or maintained by the Town where there’s potential for larval mosquito development. When appropriate and necessary, larvicide treatments are applied. 

Mosquito test pool results received on September 17th indicated that one test trap located east of Country Club Rd. produced results that were positive for WNV. This is the first time this test trap has produced WNV positive results in 2024. As previously reported, the only other WNV positive results received by the Town in 2024 were produced by two test traps east of Country Club Rd. the week of August 12th and one test trap centrally located in Town the week of September 2nd. All subsequent test pools collected from those test traps have tested negative for WNV. Property owned or maintained by the Town in the area surrounding the test trap that produced the WNV positive results this week is receiving additional monitoring by Municipal Mosquito and is being treated with additional larvicide if needed. The Town is continuing to monitor this situation and is considering all options and recommendations that may be made by Municipal Mosquito.

Preventing mosquito breeding and bites is the best way to protect you and your family from mosquito-borne illnesses. Click here to access tips from the Texas Department of State Health Services for mosquito control and bite prevention.

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