Watering Restrictions Eased in the Town of Fairview Effective May 1st

North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) water supply reservoirs have reached sufficient levels and capacities to allow the District to ease watering restrictions earlier than previously planned. Beginning May 1, 2015, NTMWD will terminate all drought stages and will implement its Water Conservation Plan that limits landscape watering to no more than two days per week, and only if needed. The Town of Fairview has taken the same actions as NTMWD and will terminate all drought stages effective May 1, 2015. Even though the Town of Fairview will no longer be under drought restrictions the town’s Water Conservation Plan will remain in effect, which restricts lawn and landscape irrigation to twice per week. With this change in watering restrictions Town of Fairview water customers are no longer restricted to watering on certain days of the week and can choose which two days they wish to irrigate.

The Town of Fairview Water Conservation Plan calls for the following water restrictions:

  • Lawn irrigation watering is prohibited from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from April 1st to October 31st of each year.
  • Lawn and landscape irrigation limited to twice per week.
  • Watering of impervious surfaces is prohibited.
  • Outdoor watering during precipitation or freeze events is prohibited.
  • The use of treated water to fill or refill residential, amenity, and any other natural or manmade ponds is prohibited. A pond is considered to be a still body of water with a surface area of 500 square feet or more.
  • Rain and freeze sensors and/or ET or Smart controllers are required on all new irrigation systems. Rain and freeze sensors and/or ET or Smart controllers must be maintained to function properly.
  • “At home” car washing can be done only when using a water hose with a shut-off nozzle.
  • Watering areas that have been overseeded with cool season grasses is prohibited (such as rye grass or other similar grasses), except for golf courses and public athletic fields.

Below are a variety of tips that you might find helpful in your effort to conserve water:

  • Repair leaks, running toilets, dripping faucets, and broken sprinkler heads.
  • Water in the morning or evening when the temperatures are cooler.
  • Plant native, drought tolerant plants that require less water.
  • Adjust your lawn mower to at least one notch. A taller lawn holds more moisture.
  • Water only when plants look like they need it. Most plants die from over-watering.

Some excellent resources regarding smart landscaping and water conservation are:

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