Phone number 972-562-0522
Location 372 Town Place Fairview, TX 75069
Click Here to view Agenda Minutes
The Town of Fairview provides public access to Town Council and Board/Commission metting agendas, minutes, and audio recordings (if applicable) through its Meetings & Agenda Portal.
Agendas outline the topics to be discussed during each meeting and are made available to the public at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting start time, as mandated by the Texas Open Meetings Act. Agendas can be accessed online and on the bulletin board on the exterior of Fairview Town Hall.
Meeting minutes are posted following their approval by the respective governing body, usually at the subsequent meeting.
The Town of Fairview is implementing a new notification system for agendas. Effective January 1, 2025, the CivicPlus Notifaction system will replace the current Newsletters and Agendas sign-up system offered through the Town website. To receive agenda notification, please create an account of CivicPlus and register for the desired agendas. Instructions are available here.
If you have any further questions or require additional assistance - Contact the Town Secretary at or 972-886-4234
The Town of Fairview will endeavor to live-steam all regular open meetings of the Town Council and Planning & Zoning Commission. Work session meetings are not included.
The link to join the live-steam of meetings (if applicable) can be found at the start of the meeting's agenda.
The Town of Fairview has less than 100 employees across ten departments, all of whom report to the Town Manager, who in turn reports directly to the Town Council. In addition, the Town supports a number of volunteer firefighters who supplement paid full and part-time fire personnel.
To find out more about these departments and functions, including contact information, please click on the icons below.
Can't find what you are looking for? Then Please Try our Town Services page.
The administration department is responsible for managing all of the town activities.
The Building Inspections Section of the Engineering Department is charged with ensuring the safety and welfare of the general public by enforcing building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical code regulations within the town. Enforcement is achieved through plan review prior to the issuance of a permit.
Code Enforcement staff ensures compliance the Town's Code of Ordinances while working with residents to resolve violations fairly, cordially and professionally.
The town engineer is responsible for mapping and supervision of municipal construction projects.
The Public Works department is responsible for the maintenance and operation of town streets, water and sewer systems.
The town operates a municipal court to adjudicate certain misdemeanors, including traffic citations and code violations.
The Planning Department is responsible for reviewing all development applications and making recommendations on zoning and subdivision issues.
The town currently collects a one-half cent voter approved sales tax for economic development and another one-half cent for community development. These funds, collected since spring 2005, are used to promote the town for economic development purposes, and to assist in funding needed infrastructure projects such as roads, utilities, and parks.
Looking for a job or want to find out more about employment at the Town of Fairview?
Fairview operates its own police department, which consists of a chief and 19 full-time officers. Dispatch and jail services for the department are handled by the Collin County Sheriff's Office.
Our Mission is to provide a professional response to our customers in their time of need, to promote fire and life safety at all times by maintaining highly trained personnel and equipment and by sharing our skills to help prevent and reduce incidents of fire and other potentially harmful events.
The Financial Services Department is responsible for managing the Town's financial affairs. This Department manages functions that include: administration, financial system administration, accounting, accounts payable, payroll, grant accounting, treasury, debt management, long-range financial planning, permitting, municipal court, solid waste services and revenue collections/utility billing.
The Utility Billing Department is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. There are multiple ways to pay your utility bill such as automatic draft, online, U.S. Postal Mail or in person.
To repair and maintain the Town’s streets, sidewalks, and related drainage infrastructure as economically as possible, to keep safe and navigable roadways, and delay future capitol improvement reconstruction costs.
The Public Works Department maintains 50 miles of Town streets and associated drainage systems. Maintenance includes, asphalt and concrete repairs, crack sealing, mudjacking, street and traffic sign installation and replacement, traffic markers and striping, and culvert repair/replacement.
Street, Drainage, Sidewalk repairs Click here to submit a report/request
Street Lights To report an outage Within a subdivision - contact your HOA or the electric service provider for your area For all other outages email Candace Cannady at |
Traffic Signals Signal lights at Country Club (1378) and Stacy Rd. West to US 75 are maintained by the City of Allen. 972-509-4576 Signals at the intersection of 1378 and Old Stacy, 1378 and SH 5 are maintained by TXDOT. 972-542-2345 |
Speed Humps For information on speed humps and requirements for new installations or removal click here. |
Related Links and Contacts |
Backflow is the unwanted reverse flow in a potable water system. It can create serious health risks by introducing contaminants in the public drinking water supply due to back pressure or back siphonage from sources of unknown quality. It typically occurs during periods of pressure loss in the water system, caused by water main breaks, equipment failure, fire fighting, etc. This potential contamination is mitigated by the installation of Backflow Prevention Devices, which are required by state law and building codes at locations and on uses determined to be likely hazards.
All public water systems in Texas are required to verify the installation and testing of backflow devices where mandated, upon installation (for lower risk) and annually for those in high health-hazard locations. (see here)
In Fairview, backflow test reports for initial installation on irrigation and fire suppression systems should be submitted to
All required annual test reports should be submitted to Candace Cannady at
Failure to provide these reports can result in citations, reporting to TCEQ licensing, and in extreme cases disconnection of water service.
Registration Information:
The Town of Fairview does not require backflow testers to be registered with our town, however you must have a current registration with the State of Texas.